Yacht Insurance News
First Yacht Through Panama Canal
Yacht "Lasata", Captain Morgan Adams

Captain Adams   Panama Canal    Panama Canal Crossing
Captain Morgan Adams - Panam Canal The first yacht to cross the Panama Canal was "Lasata", captained by Morgan Adams who was a direct decendent of the Presidents John and John Quincy Adams. "Lasata" entered the canal from the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic side) and passed through the Zone on August 14, 1914. The "Lasata" had begun her voyage in Jacksonville, Florida bound for Long Beach, California, a six thousand mile journey.

Commodore Adams (Los Angeles Yacht Club) payed $57.60 for his 48 ton, 60 foot yacht passing through on August 16. When the canal opened there were no electric lights for navigation, therefore the yacht had to stop for the night. Night navigation was not possible until 1966.

The "Lasata" was proceeded by the S.S. Ancona, the first official steam ship to pass through by only a few hours. The S.S. Ancona carried all of the guests to pay tribute to the grand opening of the Panama Canal. Unfortunately, the First World War had broken out in Europe and was the most important news of the day, trancending the news of the canal, the "eight wonder of the world".

Crossing the Panama Canal
Entering a Lock for Canal Crossing

Morgan Adams went on to serve in both world wars first as captain of the Torpedo Boat "Farragut" in WWI and in WWII as an advisor to Secretary of the Navy Admiral Forrestal for which he was decorated.

Morgan Adams continued to be active in yachting serving as Commodore of two yacht clubs and owning numerous yachts.

Time Lapse for a Panama Canal Crossing

W.R. Hodgens Marine Insurance specializes in yacht insurance for cruising the Panama Canal and any ocean in the world. Go to our Yacht Insurance Quote Form for a fast quote for your yacht.


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