Yacht Insurance News
Canal Cruising Update IX
Panama, Suez and Nicaragua Canals

Panama Canal    Suez Canal    Nicaraguan Canal
The Panama Canal- Progress Report March, 2016

April 6, 2016 - The Panama Canal has reached 97% of completion overall and some areas completed. The official opening of the canal is expected to be in late June, 2016. There have many delays due to labor, contract, and financing problems causing a two year over run but the end is nearing.

See the video above for the official Panama Canal news and below for the canal operations.

Transits Through Expanded Panama Canal

Panama Canal- Transit Passage
Panama Canal Passage

The Panama Canal Expansion project is expected to have major positive effects for Panama, Central America, the Caribbean basin and North America.

Proposed Route of the Nicaraguan Canal
Nicaraguan Canal

April 6, 2016 - The Nicaragau Grand Canal has come to a halt after private Chinese investment has faltered due to falling fortunes of the Chinese stock market. Instead, the government of Nicarugau is talking about other private investment through stock offerings. They are hoping to restart the support facilites construction in the fall of 2016.

It is anybodys guess whether there will be a canal built in Nicaragua or not.

Documentary for the Grand Canal of Nicaragua

The Suez Canal Expansion
Suez Canal Egypt

January 12, 2016 - Egypt has opened the canal in ceremonies August 6, 2015. Now comes the time for building of canal and Egyptian infrastructure for new ports and communications to build up commerce for Egypt and the Middle East. Egypt is receiving help for financing these latest projects through neighboring Arab countries. No timetable has been set for these projects.

This news is brought to you by W.R. Hodgens Marine Insurance, the most competitive yacht insurance provider for oceans, lakes and rivers including canals. Go to the Yacht Insurance Quote Form for a quick quote for your boat.

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