Yacht Insurance Specialists
Ferry Versus Yacht
Washington State Ferry & Yacht Collision
Just Before Washington State Ferry & Yacht Collision
Dec. 12, 2016- A Washington State Ferry was involved with a yacht resulting in a collision while the ferry was going to Vashon Island. See the movie below.
The yacht ironically named "Nap Tyme" was not seriously damaged, nor was the ferry. The US Coast Guard allowed both vessels to carry on without an on the scene investigation. From looking at the movie it is hard to say who is at blame here. There was no visible response from the ferry horn or verbal hailing to the yacht. The yacht was on the starboard side of the ferry where "Right of Way" rules. You can make your own conclusion.
Washington State Ferry & Yacht Collision
W.R. Hodgens Marine Insurance does insures all yachts on all waters. If you need yacht insurance, W.R. Hodgens Marine Insurance will give you the best insurance quote available. Fill out the Yacht Insurance Quote Form for fast results or Contact Us for more info.